Carnage Street
A true crime podcast aimed at generating awareness of cold cases and tapping into the research skills of Web sleuths around the world to help solve them.
Carnage Street
Sebastian Rogers: Indicators of Katie and Chris Proudfoots' Possible Involvement in Sebastian's Disappearance
Sebastian Rogers has been missing for nearly 11months at this point and still there are no answers as to what happened and where he is.
I've gone back to the beginning to see what was seen and said by Sebastian's mother and stepfather, Katie and Chris Proudfoot...things that made many of us look at them with the side eye. The Proudfoots haven't been charged with any crimes thus far, so they are presumed innocent. However, their behavior and words in many interviews seem suspicious. In this video, I break down the signs of Chris and Katie Proudfoots possible involvement in Sebastian's disappearance..
#sebastianrogers #sethrogers #chrisproudfoot #katieproudfoot #tenneessee #breakingnews #asmr #missingchild #missingboy #justiceforsebastian #truecrime #idaho #moscowidaho #kayleegoncalves #madisonmogen #ethanchapin #xanakernodle #moscowstudentmurders #idahostudentmurders #moscowhomicides #truecrimeunsolved #truecrimeunsolved