Carnage Street
A true crime podcast aimed at generating awareness of cold cases and tapping into the research skills of Web sleuths around the world to help solve them.
Carnage Street
Sebastian Rogers: The Lows Some Will Go To
The case of Sebastian Rogers continues to be dragged through the mud. Sebastian is lost not only literally lost out there somewhere but also lost in the care at least when it comes to true crime on social media. His father is now under scrutiny for his relationship with Katie Proudfoot many moons ago. This should not be a tit-for-tat situation as in if you find the Proudfoots' behavior questionable, then you have to spend equal time ripping on Seth Rogers. Allow me to explain why.
#truecrimeunsolved #sebastianrogers #sethrogers #katieproudfoot #chrisproudfoot #tenneessee #truecrimenews #missingboy #missingchild #hendersonville #asmr