Carnage Street
A true crime podcast aimed at generating awareness of cold cases and tapping into the research skills of Web sleuths around the world to help solve them.
Carnage Street
Sebastian Rogers' Shockingly High Risk for Harm at the Hand of a Parent
Unbeknownst to Sebastian Rogers, he was at a greater risk of being harmed by a parent or step-parent that other kids who are not on the autism spectrum. Allow me to break down all the factors that put Sebastian on a collision course, allegedly, with foul play, if indeed foul play is behind his nearly year-long disappearance.
#truecrimeunsolved #sebastianrogers #sethrogers #katieproudfoot #chrisproudfoot #tenneessee #truecrimenews #missingboy #missingchild #hendersonville #asmr
#idaho #moscowidaho #kayleegoncalves #madisonmogen #ethanchapin #xanakernodle #moscowstudentmurders #idahostudentmurders #moscowhomicides #truecrimeunsolved #truecrimeunsolved
Contact Email: tofbedcrimestories@gmail.com